Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. On September 11, terrorists crashed two American airline airplanes into Twin Towers, killing thousands of people. It was the worst terrorist attack in American history and it showed us that we are not protected by Atlantic and Pacific. It showed us that we could be attacked by anyone at anytime The purpose of this essay is to discuss how 9/11 changed criminal justice policies in the United States. The essay will argue that although there have been many worthwhile and successful alterations, a small portion of the policies have provided more questions than answers Research Papers Words | 3 Pages. These are the 5 number summaries and boxplots for questions These visual representations show the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile and maximum. These results show that the most common time that students spend on their electronic devices is between 4pm and 7pm
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According to Harlan"Sample retention is problematic not only because of these individuals' innocence, but also because of the resulting availability of sensitive genetic information and the lack of legislative and jurisprudential protections guarding release of the information" p. This point is 9 11 essay made by Beecher-Monas and Garcia-illwho caution that modern DNA identification techniques can be used to extrapolate far more than just an individual's identity, but with some profound social consequences involved. These authors write, "DNA identification testing has become commonplace in the courts, transforming the criminal justice system, 9 11 essay, demonstrating innocence, and identifying perpetrators. Already it is clear that DNA testing will be used as a way of predicting which medical treatments will be effective.
Fragment sizes. According to Gonzalez and 9 11 essay. References Akram, S. The aftermath of September 11, The targeting of Arabs and Muslims in America. Arab Studies Quarterly, Beecher-Monas, E. Genetic predictions of future dangerousness: Is there a blueprint for violence? Law and Contemporary Problems, 69 Butterfield, F. has plan to broaden availability of DNA testing. New York Times, 9 11 essay. Carroll, G. Proven guilty: An examination of the penalty-free world of post-conviction DNA testing. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 97 29 11 essay, It was an even that should have never taken place.
During the Clinton administration, U. Embassies were bombed by Al Qaeda to which President Clinton responded by cruise missile attacks and the CIA hired assassins to kill Bin Laden. Clinton also pressurized the Taliban to expel Bin Laden but it was of no use. In the year Clinton tried to get Bin Laden expelled again and efforts were made with the opponents of Taliban, the Northern Alliance to gather intelligence to kill Bin Laden, 9 11 essay. The CIA proposed the use of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to gain better intelligence data on Bin Laden. Towards the end of the year there was an attack on the U. Cole but there was no hardcore evidence that Bin Laden had given the order. The CIA…. The CIA labeled its findings as preliminary judgment and thus the Clinton administration could not initiate a military attack.
CIA's lack of evidence hindered the process and the Clinton administration had to wait till more evidence appeared thus the actions 9 11 essay President Clinton were very limited and constrained to only diplomatic pressure. Soon President Bush took control of the presidential office but the matter of USS Cole was still pending. He accepted that the attack on the U. Cole was ordered by Bin Laden and the Bush administration, not wanting to wage military action, started to devise a plan to eliminate Al Qaeda in about three to five years. He was briefed that Al Qaeda is planning more attacks but the report stated that the attacks were to be carried out overseas and not on American soil, 9 11 essay. As a result security measures were being taken overseas rather than within the United States, 9 11 essay.
Diplomatic steps were being taken and pressure was to be put on the Taliban and on Pakistan to expel Bin Laden from Afghanistan. Moreover information about the use of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was conveyed and measures were being taken to arm it with a missile so as to kill Bin Laden. Approval from Bush was required and he was to sign the approval on September 11,the day when the tragedy occurred and millions died. Lack of intelligence on Bin Laden's location and whereabouts delayed actions that could 9 11 essay taken by 9 11 essay two administrations, 9 11 essay. Clinton also faced the problem of not enough evidence regarding the U. Cole otherwise he would have utilized other measures, 9 11 essay.
Bush was planning to eradicate 9 11 essay Laden and as the threat was regarding attacks to occur overseas; his plans did not include any direct military action on Bin Laden or the Taliban who had given him shelter. These factors limited the decisions and action that the two administrations took. Basically this game has two players who have two options. They can either choose to "defect" or "cooperate. If suspect A chooses to defect i. he confesses his involvement in the crime and testifies about the involvement of suspect B, then he has a chance to go free.
If suspect B. cooperates i. he does not testify, whereas suspect A does, then suspect A will go free whereas suspect B. will go to jail. However, if both defect then none of them 9 11 essay free and both serve time but for a comparatively lesser amount of time. If both of them remain silent then minor charges would be put against them and they…. Even if we do not trust a specific President, there is no denying that they know things we do not. It must be necessary for them, from time to time, to persuade the nation. The use of a persuasive rhetoric in this instance may be justified. And especially when a President uses rhetoric to invite a response from the audience and critics, as Zarefsky notes, I can appreciate the President's intention, 9 11 essay.
I am in general very skeptical of any form of government control. I strongly believe that in a democratic state, citizens should have access to free choice and free flow of information. If the citizens can make responsible decisions based on what they themselves figure out, that makes democratic institutions strong. Therefore, 9 11 essay, I am very skeptical of any attempt by any organization to control or filter the Internet. So, I started reading Timothy Thomas's article "Al Qaeda and the…. They are traditionally seen as more stable than are bipolar systems, where two powerful superpowers are locked in conflict and use weaker states in their mutual power plays. Multipolar systems, as existed in Europe the period before World War I, are seen as the most volatile and unstable balances of power.
owever, 9 11 essay, unipolar systems are not always more stable -- the United States may be the major superpower of the immediate post-Cold War period, yet small ethnic conflicts were rife after the end of the Cold War. The period between is often characterized as bipolar, because of the tensions of the Cold War period that divided the 'free' and communist spheres. Other scholars call it unipolar, in the sense that one major conflict dominated the…. However, unipolar systems are not always more stable -- the United States may be the major superpower 9 11 essay the immediate post-Cold War period, yet small ethnic conflicts were rife after the end of the Cold War. Other scholars call it unipolar, in the sense that one major conflict dominated the globe to all others.
There was a complex dynamic between the two major powers 9 11 essay the United States and the Soviet Union during this period. Not all conflicts in the world were between the superpowers, but the superpowers attempted to become involved in all regional conflicts. For example, the Vietnamese communist forces of Ho Chi Minn saw themselves as nationalist forces, rather than allied with the 9 11 essay Union, yet the U, 9 11 essay. still felt compelled to intervene. China was alienated from the U. But was still a communist power. France disassociated itself from NATO, the primary alliance of the West, and was contemned by the U.
And the Islamic world was divided between religions rather than politics, although the Soviet Union attempted to support anti-Israeli forces. However, despite these multipolar displays of regional conflict, both superpowers claimed an interest in virtually every world conflict, stretching from Latin America to Asia, and reduced these conflicts to their ideological terms, in their own worldviews. Thus, the period could be characterized as bipolar because of the two powers involved, or unipolar in terms of the singular focus of its conflict between communist-supported and American-supported powers. Also, despite world fears about nuclear conflict, this period proved 9 11 essay be relatively stable in 'unipolar' terms for the citizens of both nations, even if regional actors suffered in smaller conflagrations, unlike the current period of terrorist fears and threats.
Committee on House Administration The economical damage caused by the violent actions on human lives and infrastructure may be classified into direct and indirect damages. The city of New York was supported with assistance from various organizations from the state, nongovernmental, federal and local front to bring the situation under control. Direct damages included the lives of people, 9 11 essay, infrastructure, business establishments, appliances and gadgets in offices, telephone, power, 9 11 essay, travel facilities, 9 11 essay, airlines and automobiles. There were expenses involved to handle the situation, cleaning the site and the destructed building. Other expenses included emergency health assistance, medical support for health problems, wounds and assistance provided to stabilize the mental condition of the affected people.
Kingsbury Indirect damages included returns from employment of a person, gains from business establishments which were terminated for the time being or forever due to the loss of office and equipment, loss incurred by business establishment…. References Committee on House Administration. Hearing on security updates since September 11, hearing before the DIANE Publishing Crockatt, Richard. America Embattled: September 11, Anti-Americanism, and the Global Order. Kingsbury, Nancy R. Review of studies of the economic impact of the September 11, In terms of coming up with affected population estimated, World Trade Center personnel, officials involved with New York City census operations, the police, and fire department will all be useful in estimating the population of the buildings and the surrounding areas.
Type of Studies Needed: Determining the full extent of the health impacts of this event will require longitudinal studies to be undertaken, however this is clearly not possible in the immediate term. In essence, only observational and some non-human experimental study designs…. Although the symbolic language of mourning in our society tends to focus upon the fallen, 9 11 essay, or those who lost love ones, Hartocollis implies that this tends to ignore people whose lives were irrevocably changed through injury. The focus of the article 9 11 essay to understand the perspective of these injured victims, according to the sociological principle of verstehen putting one's self in another's shoes in a spirit of understanding and community and understanding…, 9 11 essay.
Mayblum's language of teamwork is simple and straightforward in its diction. But Robert Stone's essay advances a far more complex issue, as he attempts to deal with the psychological impact of the crisis. Stone's thesis is 9 11 essay unreality of the horror, which was so shocking that it was "experienced" as "something fictive, because the mindset of the suicide bombers is so alien to our culture.
9/11: As Events Unfold
, time: 4:47Students Reflect on 9/11 in Essay Contest | National September 11 Memorial & Museum

9/11 American Identity Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass America was ‘founded’ in through the War of Independence against the British Empire. Since then the new world has known nothing but violence; from the elimination of the native Indian tribes to the onslaught of many military expeditions and wars The purpose of this essay is to discuss how 9/11 changed criminal justice policies in the United States. The essay will argue that although there have been many worthwhile and successful alterations, a small portion of the policies have provided more questions than answers What Truly Happened Attack at Pentagon/World trade Center September AM 19 Militants enlisted 4 planes and drove suicide strikes. Two of the planes flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. 1 plane hit pentagon building just outside Washington DC. people were executed including fire fighters and policemen
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