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Essays about global warming

Essays about global warming

essays about global warming

Global warming is a real issue and it has some major impacts on the environment we live in, and the surround life it sustains. Climate change is real despite what people say. It is already having some major tolls on us living on earth and it will only continue to get worse unless we don’t do something about it Global Warming Essay. Words4 Pages. Global warming is the process in which the Earth’s temperature starts increasing. This happens because industry, fossil fuels, agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions, this factors increase greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases are made up of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide Global warming occurs due to the rise in temperature. The trapping of light and heat from the sun causes this rising of temperature. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor are the green house gases, these gases trap the light and heat from the sun, and as a result, the temperature rises

How To Write A Winning Essay On Global Warming

When people think of global warming, they think of ice caps melting and rising sea levels, and polar bear drying. Especially now, new research shows that we could be in a lot more danger due to climate change and global warming. Global warming has been a bi-product of human existence and it has had and will continue to have adverse effects. To fully know and understand the effects of Global warming, we must look at what it is. Global warming is the link of increasing temperature of the earth with the trapping of greenhouse gasses. These gases include Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Fluorinated Gases, and Carbon Dioxide. Only now since humans have inhabited essays about global warming has its average greenhouse gas concentration increased. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gasses, and oil aid in the increase of natural gasses in the environment.

Which can cause global warming. Although the average temperature increases, wind and ocean currents play an effect which can make hot places even hotter, and cold places even colder, essays about global warming. This is how global warming works. The greenhouse effect is obviously a bad thing. But many people are confused as to what contributes to climate change. The greenhouse gasses are made up of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Fluorinated Gases, and Carbon dioxide. When people think of Methane, they think of farts, cow farts even release Methane into the atmosphere. Even hair spray can release CFCs into the environment. It is true that carbon dioxide is important for plants as they use that to make oxygen, but we release so much carbon dioxide is has become of of the reasons the climate is changing.

Since the entrapment of many greenhouse gases, the average temperature of the earth has increased. This allows many icecaps to melt. This makes the rise of sea level an actual concern for us. The melting icecaps also mean the destruction of habitat from Penguins and Polar bears, they face serious threat of extinction due to the icecaps melting. However, these problems are just the tip essays about global warming the iceberg pun intended. Since the icecaps have been melting, essays about global warming, it triggers even more to be melted because the icecaps aids in reflecting the suns radiation back through the atmosphere, however since the icecaps are melting into water and since water absorbs heat, it aids in the melting of even more ice.

Furthermore, Methane is trapped in this ice, so if is melted, even more greenhouse gasses will be released. But the problems created are yet to be end. If these fresh water icecaps melt, essays about global warming, it will cause the salinity of the oceans to change. This will also disrupt the density essays about global warming the water and ultimately disrupt the thermohaline circulation. But what does this all mean for us as people? Those hot blistering summers are going to get hotter, those cold frigid blizzards are going to get colder. Growing seasons are going to change possible shortening the amount of time you must grow plants. Also, this means an increase in natural destruction like hurricanes and tornados, essays about global warming.

We know firsthand of what can happen, a perfect example is China, where fossil fuels are burned with little restriction. China is experiencing record heatwaves, essays about global warming, flash floods, and typhoons. They are feeling essays about global warming the effects of climate change. One activist went around for a day with a vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the air and even was able to make a solid brick of carbon and other toxins. One is that since the climate will shift, many animals will suffer from not adjusting to the changes effectively, this could be catastrophic for plant and wildlife. But what can we do about it? Many scientists believe that we are close to a point of no return and that the changes are irreversible, essays about global warming.

So, it is essential that we do something about this quick. Although not cheap, it is getting better over the long term and it greatly combats the increase in greenhouse gases. Furthermore, fossil fuels are a finite resource, while renewable energy is much more innovative and generate energy from things like the sun, wind and water current, which is infinite. Also, common sense things like turning things off that are not in use. Recyling more, producing less waste, fuel efficient cars all help towards making out world better.

But many people speculate that these changes will have a bad affect towards our economic wellbeing. These people say that things like fossil fuels are way less costly and efficient than using solar or wind energy. Although this may be true during the short run, it would be to the benefit of everyone in the long run if we made these changes now. An increase in global warming would incur an increase in things like natural disasters, which would lower the economic wellbeing of many people. But sadly, these issues are not voice properly in popular media, so all attention given to this issue is very important. The best way for people to know about this to spread this through social media platforms, attend rallys and things like that.

Our fates will be in the hands essays about global warming fossil fuel companies. This video of an icecap falling easily shows you the reality of the situation. It shows how easily the ecosystem is disturbed and that it only gets worse form here. Dropping ice like that could slowly but surely increase sea levels so it can have some really bad effects like the releasing of more methane, de-salinizing the oceans, and increase the sea levels. All of these have very troubling effects. People globally will suffer due to the changes in the current circulation. Not only is he obviously misinformed about the situation, he is also morphing the minds of different people and setting a bad example.

Fox news is making an under exaggeration when they talk about global warming. It shows how businesses are very selfish and only care about profit regardless of the effects it has on the general population and the earth. But again, renewable resources is not a step towards a bad economy. Billionaire Elon Musk has made plenty of essays about global warming from renewable and sustainable products. The technology only gets better with time and it will also improve how much energy we get from renewable resources. He makes major strides in things like electric cars, solar panels, giant lithium ion batteries to power thousands of homes.

These homes use release no carbon dioxide, this type of energy creation is great, renewable, and it only gets better. There is no reason to not use it. Global warming is a real issue and it has some major impacts on the environment we live in, and the surround life it sustains. Essays about global warming change is real despite what people say. The solution is clear, simple and easy. But not everyone is on the same wagon to strive for such changes. The word needs to spread and save humanity from itself. This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1. Skip to content Mohammad Jobair Global Warming — The End of Human Life When people think of global warming, they think of ice caps melting and rising sea levels, and polar bear drying.

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Short essay on global warming -- Global Warming -- english essay on global warming -- #globalwarming

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Global Warming Essay: Causes, Effects, and Prevention

essays about global warming

Title: Global Warming Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about three issues of how global warming is affecting our weather, animals, and our future. Thesis: According to National Geographic Average temperatures have climbed 1. 4 degrees Fahrenheit around the world since and by , rising temperatures could send more than a million of Earth's land-dwelling Global warming occurs due to the rise in temperature. The trapping of light and heat from the sun causes this rising of temperature. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor are the green house gases, these gases trap the light and heat from the sun, and as a result, the temperature rises Oct 08,  · Essay Of Global Warming: Where Do You Place Environmental Activism. Another concept that features prominently in global warming essays is environmental activism. You can either include it as a separate paragraph in

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