My thesis statement for my classification essay is these three core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment can benefit our society if we influence and guide our children to live by righteousness by incorporating core values that will help them be a successful citizen. This thesis statement supports my topic of this for this essay. The topic I chose is In order for society to From the very beginning of naval service, certain key principles or core values have carried on to today. They consist of three basic principles, HONOR, COURAGE AND COMMITMENT. Those three words are the backbone of every man and woman, officer or enlisted who has served or is serving in the United States Navy Marine Corps Core Values Essay. The Marine Corps Core Values are Honor, Courage, and Commitment these are the cells that make the marrow that's in the bones of the Marine Corps. They’re more than just a guideline on how to conduct yourself as a marine on and off duty, their a way of life. From day one of recruit training until our twentieth year in service we are expected
The Marine Honor courage commitment essays have had a very long and distinguished history of their remarkable service to the country, honor courage commitment essays. Their main target is to become a Corps of men and women who can consistently uphold the highest moral character with or without having their uniforms on. From that commitment their foundation of Honor, Courage and Commitment becomes undisputable evident. There has been a lot of agreed opinion of the U. This distinguished title has been attributed to the strong adherence of the honor courage commitment essays corps core values which include, honor, courage and commitment.
For the purpose of this paper, values will be defined as the goals, ideals as well as standards which are to be aimed and attained. They are both what the motives and thoughts that underlies the actions. The core values are meant to ensure that the mission and the competence of the duties of the marine are well undertaken. The values of the group cannot be compromised whatsoever and so their upholding is utterly important. For them to be able to understand what honor courage commitment essays right is, they are taught about the core values and their expected code of conduct, honor courage commitment essays. Together with these core values, recruits are taught other numerous values that are connected to the core ones that help in defining them.
They include discipline, integrity, honor courage commitment essays, teamwork, duty and the spirit of corps. The recruits are made to go through a team week which is a period of demonstrating honor courage commitment essays they understand the meaning of doing what is right. They are also expected to reveal that, honor courage commitment essays, they own the right ethics and the core values. The same team week tests to see that recruits are building great efforts of are able to work in environments with minimal supervision. The learning of the core values helps the marine recruits develop that sense of maturity which would enable them take responsibilities even without their seniors supervising them. The recruits are able to now work together as a team and the teamwork discipline is now developing.
Honor is a pivotal code of conduct that helps define the duties and responsibility of a person within a social gathering or set up. Some people suggest that, honor courage commitment essays, honor is what a person is when viewed through the eyes of the society. For the Marine Corps, the value of honor becomes a central for other qualities like honesty, integrity, responsibility as well as tradition. The Marines main focus is o upholding to the highest standards, having their personal honor courage commitment essays for any action that they take, telling of the truth together with respecting customs and being courteous.
Honor is a wide line of many things which a marine should have. As a marine who upholds the virtue of be honorable, one is expected to never to tell lies, never to cheat as well as never to steal, honor courage commitment essays. These though are not all that is all that is encompassed by this value. As a marine corps, the code of conduct is expected to be exemplarily and that they should never find themselves compromising their personal integrity. A marine is also expected to be utterly accountable for all the action that one should commit. This means that, one is mindful of their actions to others as well as being conscious of the effects their actions have on those around them.
It therefore becomes evident that the good reputation of an officer corps becomes a shared responsibility by all, honor courage commitment essays. This means that, the good reputation of the marines is a joint and honor courage commitment essays responsibility of all corps. Courage is simply stated as an honor in action. It can also be said to be a mental discipline which honor courage commitment essays one ready to adhere to some higher standards. This value deals with the moral, mental and physical strength which are required for all marines. A marine officer is expected to have a willingness to take a firm stand of what is right regardless of the possible consequences.
This kind of courage has made the corps in the military to be able to sustain them during chaos, hardships, and perils of combat. This kind of courage makes every honor courage commitment essays to look back into their actions and can afford a smile. This value has become a hallmark of the American soldiers for more than years. Commitment is the value which calls for individual corps to promise to compete for a worthy goal whenever they are called upon. Some other values associated with this value are competence in their service, selflessness, teamwork and a high concern for other people. As it is in the army, selflessness becomes a critical attribute which is required by a marine.
It becomes evident that, strong marines who believe in the same ideals, following the same code of behavior and ethics as well as working together to fulfill the same mission are surely an unbeatable combination. These three Corps values make up the bedrock of the character of individual Marine. Everyone lives according to what they feel is valuable or according to their value system. Principles and leadership are strongly linked. By exploring this connection and understanding the enormous impact of own values on individual behavior, we should be better equipped as Marine leaders.
By understanding human behavior, leaders are more able to evaluate, forecast, and persuade the behavior of their Marines. Every leadership endeavor is exaggerated by the association between the values of the leader and those of the led. To be effective leaders, the leaders must truly appreciate the importance of values in understanding human behavior. Knowing the values of their Marines, honor courage commitment essays, leaders can communicate more effectively and honor courage commitment essays the proper guidance necessary to effect behavior and ensure discipline. Keep in mind, the leader is primarily concerned with behavior which is enforced through policies, directives, and regulations. Attitudinal changes among subordinates may take place at a later time after behavior patterns have been enforced over a period of weeks or months.
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Raised on Honor, Courage, Commitment
, time: 1:01Core Values: Honor, Courage, and Commitment essays

Feb 13, · Honor, Courage, Commitment. Topics: United States Navy, American Revolutionary War, Royal Navy, Navy / Pages: 3 ( words) / Published: Feb 13th, Honor, Courage, Commitment Throughout its history, the Navy has met all its challenges with success. The United States naval service began during the American Revolution, when on October 13, HONOR, COURAGE AND COMMITMENT. The Marine Corps have had a very long and distinguished history of their remarkable service to the country. Their main target is to become a Corps of men and women who can consistently uphold the highest moral character with or without having their uniforms on. From that commitment their foundation of Honor, Courage and three constant Corps Values: Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Honor requires each Marine to be an example of the ultimate standard in ethical and moral conduct. Honor is many things; honor requires many things. A U.S. Marine must never lie, never cheat, never steal, but that is not enough. Much more is required
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