Why Abortion Should be Illegal in Most Cases We, as humans, know that murdering another human is wrong and should be punished. Why is it that when a human is at its smallest and most helpless stage of development, it is okay to be murdered by the law? Abortion affects the couples who cannot have kids on their own, as well as the woman’s physical and psychological health In other words, abortion is wrong because killing a future child stops it from growing and making a difference to their lives. The child 's mother whom is having the abortion does not know if that baby will make a change in the future, the possibilities are endless. First take a look at Marquis argument of why abortion is immortal Abortion Is Wrong Essay. An Argument that Abortion is wrong To talk about abortion is a very difficult topic because everyone is playing God. When I refer to everyone that means, politics, philosophers, and religions. I found three very important points of view about abortion. First, the extreme conservative view (held by the Catholic Church); second, the extreme liberal view
Abortion And Why It Is Wrong Essay on Abortion
Why Abortion Should be Illegal in Most Cases We, as humans, know that murdering another human is wrong and should be punished. Why is it that when a human is at its smallest and most helpless stage of development, it is okay to be murdered by the law? According to BirthControl. com, there are 20 forms of birth control available. You can use more than one method at the same time to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Plan B is a form of birth control. It is not like abortion. It does what every type of birth control does, which is stopping the egg and the sperm from uniting. Abortion is when you terminate the fetus from the body after contraception. Life begins at conception, so unborn babies are human beings that deserve to live like you and I.
This is when we start growing. We start developing in the uterus and continue when we are birthed. When you become pregnant, your body is not just your body anymore. Abortion is not, and should never be used as a form of birth control. Sure there are certain religions, such as Catholics, that do not believe in birth control other than abstinence. Birth control use may be considered as a sin, but so is premarital intercourse. So save yourself the pain, and be responsible for what happens to your body. Want to get an original essay on this topic? They deserve the chance to come into this world as a blessing for another family. Studies show adopted children tend to do well in school and show high levels of self-esteem, optimism, social competency, and feelings of security.
Why would you want to kill a precious life when you could give it to someone who will why is abortion wrong essay them a chance loving them as their own? There are many who believe the world is overpopulating. When in fact, one in seven couples trying to have a baby will experience infertility. This is why you should go through with the pregnancy and give the baby a chance at life. Allowing this would be immensely disrespectful to those who have disabilities. It would imply that their life is not worth as much the normal person, why is abortion wrong essay. There are three different types of abortion. A medical abortion is when the woman takes medication during the first nine weeks of the pregnancy to abort the fetus.
During a surgical abortionthe fetus is removed from the uterus by suction curettage. Then there is dilatation and evacuation, this is done after the week mark has passed. They begin by dilating the cervix and removing the baby piece-by-piece. The immediate risks of abortion include pelvic infection, incomplete abortion that requires a second surgery, blood clots in the uterus, hemorrhaging tear ofhe uterine wall, scar tissue of the uterine wall causing infertility, and can even result in a hysterectomy. There are plenty of psychological risks as well. Many people may believe that modern abortion operations are really safe, and does not cause long-lasting health issues. Mental health is just as important as your physical health. There are many reports of women experiencing mental pain long after the procedure.
Showing us that there are long-lasting effects whether it be a mental issue or a physical issue. On certain occasions, why is abortion wrong essay, a woman may have a terminal illness such as cancer. If the woman cannot get treatment to save her life because of the fetus, that is understandable. If the pregnancy resulted from a crime such as rape, incest, or child abuse, they should be given that choice. Imagine a young girl that was raped, and she did not understand the outcome of what just happened. Sshe was scarred, not planning on telling anyone.
It would not be her fault, and others in a situation like that should have the right to choose what happens next. There are many ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. There are many great people out there that would love to take in your child. The risks you take when getting an abortion are not worth it. Some may or may not last forever whether it is physical or mental. Abortion is murder. com, 2 Dec. Why Abortion is Wrong. com, May 12, Accessed April 18, comMay Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages, why is abortion wrong essay. Email Invalid email. Why is abortion wrong essay professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you!
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The Redirect: Why facts matter on both sides of abortion debate
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Essay On Why Abortion Is Wrong. A second reason why abortion is wrong is because it deprives the fetus from his future. When we decide to kill a fetus then we are taking away from him a future like ours. The argument is as follows: (1) it is impermissible to kill humans, who if lived, would have a future like ours, (2) if abortion is not done, the fetus would have future as we do In their essay, “The Wrong of Abortion”, Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that intentional abortion is unjust and therefore objectively immoral no matter the circumstances. Also, they argue that “the burden of carrying the baby is significantly less than the harm the baby would suffer by being killed; the mother and father have a special In other words, abortion is wrong because killing a future child stops it from growing and making a difference to their lives. The child 's mother whom is having the abortion does not know if that baby will make a change in the future, the possibilities are endless. First take a look at Marquis argument of why abortion is immortal
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